A Short Interlude

Oh! I didn’t see you come in.  Have a seat, won’t you? Let’s talk about my 59th appointment with Horizakura!

We chatted a lot during this appointment, so the time really flew by.  Horizakura shaded a clump of waves on the inside of my right knee and laid down some black in the rock under and behind the turtle’s leg.  This will be my last appointment until early June, but I feel really good about the progress that has been made in the last two appointments.

Looking ahead, we discussed some more ideas for the rest of my suit.  There is still maybe three or four appointments left before we really have to decide what is going on my thigh, so hopefully inspiration will find us before August!  This year feels like it has started out really slowly, but according to my spreadsheet (shut up) it is pretty normal to have logged five appointments YTD in mid April.  I’m optimistic that we can finish the year strong!  Until then, I took a couple extra pics this week to earmark our overall progress to this point.


Just when I thought I was out…

At the beginning of my last post I was filled with the excitement of having two appointments in a row.  Shame on me!  I ended up having to cancel an appointment because of a work trip in LA, so our run of 5 appointments has become 4 appointments.  Could be worse!  As work gets busier and busier, I’m becoming more and more thankful for the opportunities I actually have to get tattooed now.  One of my greatest fears in life is losing my momentum and not finishing this thing.

That got dark…

…Dark like the background Horizakura laid down during my 58th appointment!  It should be fairly obvious to see what is fresh in these photos.  It’s the shiny parts.  Not much more to say here.  We have one more appointment in two weeks which will likely continue the background/rocks around my knee.  After that appointment, we’ll be on hiatus until early June.  Infinite sorrow.  Ok maybe not infinite.  Several weeks of sorrow.  Looking forward to our next appointment nonetheless!

Witness me!