A Rock to Stand On

My most recent 2 hour appointment came with more rocks and some new plant life for my tattoo’s ecosystem.  You can see the turtle is now standing on some rocks and we have some seaweed-y type plant life waving around.  I love it!  It may seem a little odd to love weeds so much, but with such a consistent water/cherry blossom background, I really enjoy little additions here and there to give variety.   Also, if you look at my left leg in the photos below, you can see the line Horizakura drew around my ankle in order to measure the border for my right leg.  I didn’t even notice it until I reviewed the pictures. I guess I forgot to scrub it off. Let’s pretend it was on purpose for a “behind the curtain” look at the process.

Horizakura and I discussed what comes next.  Looks like we’ll do another bonji on my knee with some fire around it, then the head of a dragon will be on my inner thigh with its body extending up to my torso.  I am beyond stoked.  I am also beyond furious that I already had to cancel my next appointment because of work.

Cry havoc and let slip the turtles of war!

Rock on!

Forgive me father for I have sinned, it has been 1 month since my last appointment.

I had to cancel an appointment due to a work trip, but we’re back baby!  Hopefully no more cancellations, but due to the nature of my work, it does happen.  During this appointment Horizakura spent 2 hours thickening the lines all around the rocks on the turtles back (compare them to the weight of the other lines to see how they started) and then filled in with some shading.  Not much else to say here.  Back of the calf is EZ-mode as tattoos go.  The plan is to continue with the outline on the next appointment.

Expecto Patronum!
