2018 Wrap Up

This appointment concludes my third full year of getting tattooed by Horizakura. It feels like it has been much longer than that, but I suspect that has more to do with how much has happened in my life in the last three years than it has to do with the tattoo process.  If the start of this journey was a snapshot of my life at that moment in time, I am glad for the realization that things have generally only improved since.  It’s been fast and furious, but it’s been good.  I’m sorry I started this post with a retrospective, but you’re the one sitting there reading it so I feel like you are partly to blame.  On to tattoo things!

Below are pictures from my 54th appointment with Horizakura.  You will see he added some cherry blossoms, water, and waves around the sides and back of my knee region.  After uploading the photos to my PC, I realized I forgot to take a picture from the front to show how the waves on each side sort of wrap towards each other… we’ll call that a little manufactured suspense for my next post.  I did, however, have the presence of mind to take a picture of both legs to show how he designed the waves to create a natural symmetry between each leg.  I am really pleased with how it looks!

Christmas is right around the corner and I will be in Japan for 10 days, so our next appointment is set for mid January.  The trip is not tattoo related, but I am hoping to maybe visit the tattoo museum in Yokohama if I have time after my work is done.  Perhaps I’ll have something interesting to write about here afterwards.  Until then, look upon my works ye mighty, and despair.